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These services are sometimes called “Audit Prep” services. In many way this is simply a consulting engagement with the specific goal of preparing for an upcoming audit which many times is a first time audit. I understand that the audit process can be daunting especially if the accounting team, including the CFO or controller, has not been involved with an audit or simply doesn’t have time to break away from daily tasks to properly prepare. This page will discuss two general Audit Readiness scenarios, first year audits or ongoing audits where a “second set of hands” is needed.

First year audits can be very frustrating for accounting team, both management and the accounting staff.  The audits often take longer than expected and the audit firm will bill for the budget overruns.  Many times the overrun billings exceed the original budget. My services assist your team with preparing the requested schedules and can act as liaison between your accounting team and the audit firm allowing your team to stay on track with their regular routine. Additionally, I can help in the audit education process; what exactly is an audit and what does it entail?  It’s usually much more than the existing perception.

Ongoing Audits many times still need outside assistance, again to allow the accounting team to stay focused on their regular routine or other special projects.  In some cases, the accounting team can handle the bulk of the audit but may assistance with complex schedules or accounting issues.

Are these services restricted to financial statement audits? No, the same basic idea works for Reviewed Financial Statements which can be almost as daunting as audits which may lead to warranted additional help. For complex company tax scenarios, I can help with the needed schedules and related tax documentation. In other words, General Consulting Services may help with other special scenarios.  See the other sections of this website.